Club and Course update - August 2024
Over recent months considerable work has been done to secure the future of our golf club and to improve the standard of the course.
Long term tenure secured. A lease with the South Arm RSL and Community Club, (land owner) ensures the course will continue to operated by Golf Club members for the next 20 years and beyond. The future development, improvements, finances and membership will all continue to be the responsibility of a committee elected by the Iron Pot Golf Club members.
Water. A Memorandum of Understanding with South Arm Irrigation Scheme Pty Ltd has also been signed to connect IPGC to the Class A water being brought across the Derwent to the South Arm Peninsula.
Completion of the cross-river pipeline is scheduled in the next few months to be followed by pipework north to Arm End and south to us. Water to our site should arrive by winter 2025 making IPGC and Arm End the only two courses in Tasmania connected to Class A water.
This water will significantly transform our golf course and its surrounding landscape, enhancing the attractive coastal location.
Preparing for water. Our course volunteers have been working with Dan Brown and his Arm End greenkeeping team on improving our greens. This work will continue in coming months, making improvements to our soil, greens and tees, irrigation system, and other areas of the course so we can take swift advantage of the water when it arrives.
Arm End has provided, at no cost, all of the equipment, fertiliser, gypsum, seed etc. Dan has given his time and expertise to oversee and carry out the maintenance program and we extend our hearty thanks to him and his team for their support. Thanks also to our loyal club volunteers who answered calls to help and to Dick Calvert who supplied all the sand at no cost.
Membership. With a very positive future ahead, it’s the perfect time to become an Iron Pot Golf Club member. We expect an influx of new members once the benefits of water become clear and moving forward we’ll impose ceiling on membership. So, join now and beat the rush!
Volunteering in the outdoors. If you’re interested in helping on the course, we’d love to hear from you. For memberships, volunteer information or if you’d like more information on the Club, please contact us.

Iron Pot Golf Club
2972 South Arm Road
South Arm Tas 7022
Steven Soul, President
0488 139 607
Maintenance work completed and scheduled
The maintenance program for the Iron Pot Golf Course up to Christmas is to bring the greens up to a good playing standard. Once water is available a continuous program will be developed to vastly improve the overall condition.
Work to date:
- Rabbit control. The Club has a 5 year permit for a rabbit control program and has been joined by some adjoining properties for more impact. Stage 1 is now complete and we hope to see a reduction in numbers.
- Applications of penetrant and gypsum have been applied in an attempt to remove the build-up of salts through the profile of the greens. These programs will continue over the next six months with solid verti-draining and hollow coring being incorporated with sand top dressing.
- August: solid tining was completed to relieve years of compaction by golfers and high amount of salt concentrate. Sand top dressing has being applied which will help smooth playing surfaces.
- September: a hollow tine coring will occur ( renovation) in which core plugs will be removed and replaced with sand. Soil amendments will be applied to correct deficiencies and seed will be spread in the bare areas.
- October: a solid tine, overseeding and top dressing will occur with soil amendments and applications of kelp to improve the soil structure.
- November - February 2024: will include a monthly solid tining , penetrate, wetting agent, soil amendment, fertiliser and kelp program. The solid tining will help remove salts through the growing medium (profile) and allow air to enter into the profile and relieve surface and soil compaction.
This course maintenance would not be possible with support from South Arm irrigation Scheme and Mary Anne's Island (developers of the Arm End golf course). It sets the groundwork for a successful Golf Club and course, the benefits of which will flow across our community and local businesses.